Concert of Miro Keller Trio on June 28th, 2024 – lunAtico La Palma

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Concert of Miro Keller Trio on June 28th, 2024




1. Juli 2024


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Miro Keller Trio at the LunÁtico, La Palma

Punk rock at its best: the Miro Keller Trio made the earth shake at LunÁtico on Friday.
Hard basslines, groovy chords, catchy beats and Miro’s keen and provocative lyrics – the perfect mix for an authentic underground feeling, headbanging included.

We would like to thank you for the great atmosphere, your enthusiasm and an evening where we could really rock out!

Let´s meet at the LunÁtico, La Palma.

Concierto de Miro Keller Trio el 28 de junio de 2024
Konzert Miro Keller Trio am 28. Juni 2024