The Logo – lunAtico La Palma

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The Logo




21. April 2024


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The LunÁtico Logo: A Heavenly Melody of Creativity!

Take a look at our new logo and let yourself be enchanted by its magic! It’s more than just an image – it’s a story, an atmosphere, a promise. Immerse yourself in the world of LunÁtico and let yourself be carried away by the power of music and the moon!

At first glance, you’ll see a scene that seems to come straight out of a dream: Four musicians standing on a heavenly stage, surrounded by golden light, while a large full moon looms overhead in close-up. It’s a scene full of mystique and energy that touches the soul and ignites the imagination.

But that’s not all – take a closer look and discover the double meaning behind the name LunÁtico.

And what does “LunÁtico” actually mean? A behind-the-scenes look:

In Spanish, the word “lunático” has various meanings. One of them, which is particularly dear to us, is the colloquial usage meaning “completely nonsensical, irrational.” Now, that may seem somewhat strange at first glance, but upon reflection, it’s not so far-fetched.

In our world of LunÁtico, everything revolves around passion, creativity, and the courage to swim against the current. We believe that true art sometimes has to be a little crazy and irrational to truly touch and inspire.

So yes, we confess to being a little “lunático.” We’re ready to dream excessively big, love excessively strong, and live excessively intensely. Because that’s what drives us and what makes us as a community so special.

So step into the world of LunÁtico and let yourself be carried away by our “lunático” attitude. Because sometimes, that’s exactly what we need to change the world and make our dreams come true.

And then there’s our logo, which emphasizes the big “A” and gently reminds us of the beloved Atico, from which we have our roots. Below it stands the term “asociación cultural,” which indicates our non-profit association and underscores our mission to promote culture in La Palma.

Overall, our logo is a true work of art that captures the essence of LunÁtico in all its beauty and diversity. It’s a symbol of community, creativity, and passion – and we couldn’t be prouder of it!

So let yourself be inspired by our logo and step into the world of LunÁtico, where the music plays and the moon always shines. We look forward to welcoming you to LunÁtico on the beautiful island of La Palma!

Das Logo
El Logo